Goodbye 2016, Hello 2017

A new year symbolizes a clean slate; a fresh start. Leaving the past behind and embracing the magic of new beginnings and possibilities. We let go of all regret and failure from the year behind us, and fill our lungs with hope for the future. Go forward with your vision even if no one else sees it but you.

I have always enjoyed checking things off a list, turning the page and starting fresh. There is something refreshing about a new day, a new month, a new year. Instead of setting resolutions, that always feel unattainable and never actually take flight, I made New Year’s Affirmations last year that I really liked. This year I’m setting a list of goals for both my professional and personal life. Setting goals feels more like an ambition than a restriction.

Professional list:

  • Work opportunities. In 2016 I started a 3/4 Graphic Designer/Exhibit Technician position with the City of Boulder. Continue to do my best in that position but also stay open to new opportunities.
  • Freelance push. Line up at least one new graphic design project as well as photo shoot a month.
  • Adjust Your Focus plan. Come up with a timeline + stick to posting weekly blog posts and/or vlogs. Consistency is key and I want to get better with this.
  • Pitch myself. Whether it’s freelance projects or contacting tourism boards/accommodations/tours, design a media kit and pitch.
  • Give things my full attention until they are finished. Between work and freelance projects, there are SO many directions and things I want to do. It’s easy to start something and get distracted.

Personal list:

  • Be open to meeting new people. In 2016 I really worked on this and it led to some incredible friendships! I want to continue this in 2017.
  • Weeknight mix up. Spend one weeknight every week doing something other than working. I would love to go on weekday evening hikes, do random photo shoots to improve skills, read more, paint again, etc.
  • Put down my phone more often. It’s so important to disconnect.
  • Enjoy the outdoors and new activities as much as possible. Embrace each season in Colorado. Winter: go skiing for the first time/take lessons, go snowshoeing, go ice skating. Spring/Summer/Fall: monthly camping trip, monthly workout at Red Rocks, weekly hikes, try paddleboarding, go kayaking, get into horseback riding again.
  • Fight for a cause bigger than me. There are so many causes I’m passionate about and give back during the year, but I want to make an effort in doing more than just giving back and involve myself deeper.

The last two apply to every aspect of my life:

  • Challenge and grow. Don’t be afraid to go off the path, and continuously create new paths. Whether it’s new work opportunities, dating or travel, push myself to get out of my comfort zone and be open.
  • Give thanks. Remember everything I am fortunate to have and be able to do. Life is a gift, don’t waste it and don’t forget to count all your blessings.


What about you?

What are some of your goals this year? I’d love to hear!

Remember to do what makes you happy and you will bring happiness to others. The year ahead is yours. What will you do with it?

Today’s tidbit
“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language and next year’s words await another voice.” — T.S. Eliot